Report: Biden's "blue" states carried 76% of 2021 US EV sales


The \”blue\” states that President Biden won in the 2020 election carried 76% of 2021 United States EV sales, according to a new Bloomberg report.

That\’s mainly down to a large urban/rural divide in EV adoption, driven by limited vehicle choices, underdeveloped charging in infrastructure in rural areas, and fewer incentives in the \”red\” states where Trump voters make up the majority, according to the report.

This trend became apparent as early as May 2017, when a report suggested that buyers in Trump-voting states were rejecting green cars. It was an attitude Trump encouraged.

The former president derided electric cars and climate-change policy in general, moving to revoke California\’s authority to set its own emissions standards, and pulling the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Agreement.

2022 Ford F-150 Lightning Pro

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has said the Biden administration will emphasize EV adoption in rural areas, Bloomberg noted, adding that more EV choices may also help win over a wider array of buyers.

Of particular note is the 2022 Ford F-150 Lightning pickup truck. It\’s an electric version of America\’s bestselling vehicle, and may be more appealing to rural right-wing voters than the current crop of EVs.

While Republican policy remain a relative obstacle to EV adoption in rural \”red\” states, it\’s worth noting that California Air Resources Board (CARB) zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) rules will soon affect about 45% of the U.S. by population, after all the states in which it\’s pending adopt the policies.

Will the addition of more electric trucks help drive EV adoption in other parts of the country? Leave us your answer in the comments.


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