Sky High Airfares and the Rest of the Week in Travel and Health


rising airfareUh oh. This will make your blood pressure rise. Or worse, force you to stay home and not travel this holiday season. The Wall Street Journal’s Scott McCartney reports that airfares this holiday season are up almost 10 percent from last year, and projected to keep rising in the weeks ahead. If you’re thinking of getting away this November and December, figure out what you’re doing and make your reservations now. Waiting could cost you.

Speaking of the anxiousness that often accompanies moving in and out of airports, here is some news that could make those long security lines a thing of the past. Bloomberg Businessweek’s Joshua Brustein reports that a California start-up has created an automated checkpoint that it claims will handle the same amount of traffic as five security lines. Here’s another potential way technology could make air travel more convenient – Google Glass. While the internet-enabled goggles won’t be for sale for another year, BBC’s Sean O’Neill tells us that airline tech gurus see numerous ways in which Google Glass will make for a much better airport experience. How about quickly finding a lost piece of luggage? Sign me up.

Travel has changed through the years, and today more and more people are seeking out experiences. At Huffington Post, William Chalmers takes a look at this relatively new era of so-called hyper-travel.

Cuba is it. I mean as a travel destination. For 50 years it’s been pretty much off limits for U.S. tourists, but those still-strict travel restrictions have been eased somewhat by the Obama Administration, and Reuters’ Marc Frank reports that has led to an increase in Americans heading to Cuba.

Cuba’s roads, choked by decades-old cars, can be pretty dicey. And by dicey, I mean deadly. As we’ve reported in the past, driving in many countries around the world can be extremely dangerous. At Expat Health, Bryony Ashcroft reports on a new study that looks at the most dangerous countries for driving in the world.

Congrats to David and Katharine Lowrie for an awesome feat of healthy travel! At Flight Network, Kraig Becker reports on the British couple that has became the first people to run the length of South America. Their long jog took nearly 15 months and covered more than 6,500 miles.

You know what the Lowries could use? Some carbs. So don’t tell them about this story – the BBC’s Kim Laidlaw looks at the possible “death” of the French baguette, and boulangers’ efforts to keep hope alive.

Photo from the Star-Tribune.


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