Keep It Simple


Sweet Potato Mac

The greenest salad. The creamiest macaroni. All made in the easiest way.
Dustin Harder has criss-crossed this great country (and Italy!) to find the most revolutionary plant-based dishes being dreamt up today. He even made a show about it: The Vegan Roadie*. But when he sat down to write his first cookbook, he wasn’t interested in trotting out obscure ingredients that readers would have to import from a small village in Tuscany or artisanal grocer in Brooklyn.
Instead, he wanted to develop healthy, easy, filling recipes anyone could make with ingredients they could find at any grocery store in the U.S. And he wanted to make it fun (like, dance-around-the-kitchen-in-undies-while-singing-into-a-spatula fun). That’s it!
Did he pull it off? Hell yes he did. The Simply Vegan Cookbook is super easy to navigate—it’s organized by recognizable ingredients (and yes, there is a chapter called “Avocado”). The steps are intuitive; the writing is lively. And the food … well, to see what it’s like, try these two recipes.
*To see just how much Dustin has learned about the best plant-based eats in America through his travels, read this.


Sweet Potato Mac

Sweet Potato Mac

The Great Green Salad with Green Goddess Dressing

The Great Green Salad with Green Goddess Dressing

Adapted with permission from The Simply Vegan Cookbook by Dustin Harder. Copyright © 2018 by Dustin Harder. Published by Rockridge Press. All rights reserved.


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