How to Clean Vinyl Windows


Easy tips for clean windows.\”Easy tips for clean windows.\”Easy tips for clean windows.iStockphoto/Thinkstock

Vinyl windows are a great, low-maintenance option for your home: Many of them are easy to clean inside and out, due to dirt- and grime-resistant vinyl. Learn to clean your vinyl windows with our simple guide.


  1. Do a Little Bit Every Day
  2. Be Gentle
  3. Exterior Washing

Do a Little Bit Every Day

Use a soft sponge, cloth or brush to gently wipe down the vinyl with a cleanser and water. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations on what cleaners are appropriate for daily use (general-use spray cleaners – such as what you’d use on a kitchen counter – are normally safe). You can also use a 30/70 mix of vinegar and water.

Be Gentle

Remember, most vinyl windows are dirt- and grime-resistant, but to keep them that way, you’ll need to use gentle cleansers. Steer clear of any cleansers containing bleach, strong soaps with solvents or trying to clean with nail polish remover. Abrasive cleaners and scrubbing pads can scratch the surface of your vinyl windows, exposing them to further damage.

Exterior Washing

Believe it or not, a rainfall can suffice as a cleaning! But if you haven’t seen much rain lately, a rinse with a garden hose is a good start. If your windows need more work, use a gentle soap – a mix of dish detergent and water will do – and a sponge to suds them up. Then rinse down with the garden hose, but gently: A full pressure spray or power washer can cause leaks.

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